Friday, April 12, 2013

True to the blog name

"Some people just need a high five.. in the face.. with a chair."

Ok, I'm not really that cruel, but I can't say I didn't laugh when I first read that. Having attended a Russian church most of my childhood and teen years, I can truly only recall two sermons that have fastened to my heart throughout my adult life (both from the same speaker) to which I find myself looking back on and thinking "ain't that the truth?!".. One of those sermons was spoken on a boring Wednesday night service when I was about 15 or 16 years old. There weren't many people in the audience, but blessed were those that heard the sermon named "distraction," for the message was not ancient, but indeed ahead of its time, because in the years following that Wednesday night, distractions have taken on one of the biggest roles in our culture. When I was listening to that sermon in which the message was simple "The Devil needs but one tool to win over your soul and that is distraction", I was thinking about the distractions in my life. Boys. 'Days of our lives.' Instant messaging/chat, there were just so many that I needed to get under control! {Enter smart ass smirk emoticon} because the days since then have become so much more evil. I'm sure a lot of you can relate; you go to a service where the message spoken reminds you of the 'end times' and you start to feel a bit uneasy. You watch a movie where the end of the world is upon us and suddenly the things that you found so exigent, merely hours ago, no longer seem to hold any value. Your heart is gripped by an urgency and you get that eerie, uneasy feeling in your gut and you know that you just can't go on living the comfortable life you start every day with your morning latte, because the bigger picture has been opened to you! You want to roll down your windows and yell it to all who will listen "People! We've been blinded for so long.. our lives have become too comfortable, we're freakishly okay with where we are at, it's time to wake up and step in some mud, get dirty for a change!" Yeah.. that was refreshing. Good night. Good morning. You pour your coffee while checking the latest feed on your choice of social networking and suddenly you realize how out of line and kooky you were last night. Pfft! Everything is okay, I clearly overreacted! The world was as is, you see? It's not all so scary and urgent as it seemed for a minute there.

That's the scariest thing of all. Eternity tugs at our hearts and without much thought, we brush it off as a vexatious feeling and unknowingly look for comfort in the little things that are so frivolous! So yes people, sometimes we need a high five in the face, with a freaking chair! Me being the first, because I get caught up all too often with things that, in the big picture that God has painted for us, simply don't matter. It's wonderful to enjoy this life with all of the senses that God granted us, but it's just not okay as a believer to give them so much precedence in our lives. I wish more people cared about the VOTD (verse of the day) over what they are draping over their skin and bones. Am I being too forward? I mean, I care about how I look-- not that you would know if you saw me on a daily basis-- but I mean, I don't want to wear a potato sack and call it good. I want to have hobbies and brunches and go on dates, I want all of that. I guess the way I want to see it is that eternity is my workday and the rest is my lunch break rather than the other way around. I hope I haven't offended anyone, but this is my blog and these are my thoughts. They are mostly for me, but I'm learning to do what God puts on my heart, so there it is. If we truly want to be the hands and feet of Jesus, sometimes we gotta take off those stilettos and walk barefoot in the rain.


1) Being nicer to my husband. This is a bit tricky as he left town two weeks after I posted, and in a long distance marriage, there isn't much time for bickering! I think that I definitely tried to force myself to drop things that just lead to drama and appreciate the good man that I have! I feel that sometimes when things are too good, I like to shake it up a bit and now I'm thinking "ahh, betta not."

2) Spend time with the Lord daily. Failed. Miserably. Thank you Lord for loving me always and never giving up on me.

3) Worrying less and trusting more. This has been a rocky path for me as worrying comes so naturally, but God just stands behind me and tells me to fall into His arms, He will catch me. I've let go a few times, and He's always faithful. Even when I've held on, He lovingly reminded me that my worrying is about as useful as dictionary is to Snooki. wah wah.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello self, nice to meet you.

A chilling quote I read not too long ago went along the lines of "Hell on earth: the day that the person you became meets the person you could have become." Snap. If that isn't a bone shaking kick in the pants, then I don't know what is. Raise your hand if you are currently satisfied with yourself...anyone? Not on this end of the screen. I don't think that's a question that I've been able to raise my hand for since early 2010. When I got married in the summer of 2006, I set out on a journey of self discovery. A lot of it had to do with questioning what I believed, what I knew to be true. Outwardly, this showed too. I tried out different wardrobes ranging from "I don't give a rats behind rebel" to "may I have some more tea with my crumpets please?", my hairstylists were brought pictures of fictional characters rather than Hollywood idols. I had interesting endeavors, met some cool people and walked in the shoes of a dozen different versions of me. Just when I thought I had finally, finally! found myself (I swore to my husband that being a pin up girl was my true calling, bahaha)I.threw.up... A LOT. Could it be? Quick pee break before "Desperate Housewives" came on proved that it can. I was pregnant. We were ecstatic, it had only been a couple of weeks since we decided to start trying for a baby. After a few weeks, the morning sickness came and didn't stop until my seventh month of pregnancy. I cut my hair to help deal with the constant headaches of wearing it up. Misplaced my make up bag for a few months, and wore nothing but yoga pants until I got to the hospital. Fast forward September 2012, my second son was born (we wanted two kiddos close in age) and I had sort of wilted on the inside. I was an overweight, frumpy mom with a kangaroo pouch and a couple of vacation bags under my eyes. I wanted to have some time to myself, to remember who I was before I became a mom so that I could introduce that person to these babies, because this current Val was a bit too snappy and sad and not very fun to be around. Somewhere along the way I started comparing myself to other moms, bashing myself daily, stunting any sort of creative growth, constantly hushing the good and turning up the bad because I felt that's just what I deserved. Long story short-- my hair is orange now. Thank God! I'm finally getting back on that path to sticking out like a sore thumb in the Russian community and that's where I feel most comfortable. I hate fitting in. It goes against everything I'm naturally born to feel. It's a small step, but it has already helped me so much. I thank God for showing me how very lovely and special I am to Him. For reminding me that beauty is where you are happy. I lost 10 lbs and learned to limit myself in the right ways. I'm learning to love myself and trying to find balance in my roles as a mother, wife and individual. I know that I can be so much more (I always think of my 10 year old self and what she would have wanted for me.) And I don't want to be afraid of meeting someone I could have become because I want to be better than her. Spring is in the air and with it I feel change is blowing my way. Good change, beautiful change. Thank you Lord for being my constant, for never wavering like I so often do. Your love and grace give me strength and flood my heart with peace in dire times. You're pretty amazing. 

Goals for this month:

1) Be nice to my husband (I've been such a snappy croc lately!)

2) Spend time with the Lord daily.

3) Worry less and trust more. 

I'll update my progress truthfully to stay accountable :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

My ode to you, sweet love

In honor of that lovey dovey, ooey gooey holiday that is right around the corner, I thought I'd write a little entry dedicated to the one I love.

"If nothing lasts forever, please be my nothing" -unknown

I was seven years old when I laid eyes on this boy. Vanilla blonde hair, chocolate chip eyes and those tootsie roll lips. He sounds too yummy to be true, right? Okay I'm trying to keep with the Valentines Day theme here, but truly it's a pretty accurate description. We started a friendship when we were sixteen years of age. Growing up in the same neighborhood for four years we had so much as exchanged a look maybe once or twice. We were so different with nothing in common to the naked eye, that was until we turned sixteen. Sixteen was Vlad's favorite number "twice as nice as Kobe" he'd say (Kobe Bryant used to be number 8 for the Lakers and Vlad has been his die hard fan since he was about 8 years old) and even though I never had a favorite number, sixteen has now become my favorite too. At the age of sixteen I was blessed enough to meet the man that I dared never to dream up. Our friendship was just that, we became friends in the summer of 2003 with no hidden agendas or motives for us to become anything more than that. We talked and enjoyed each others' company and I found myself at ease with him. That winter during the annual Sunriver trip, I somehow ended up at his family's lodge, and we started talking one evening and didn't stop until the sun came up the next morning. I remember it like it was yesterday. Though the vision of us being so young is fading, the feelings still make those butterflies come alive. Come January, we were talking every day via MSN instant messaging, remember that?! Then it all kind of went fast from there, Vlad drank some brave juice in order to muster up the guts to tell me he had a thing for me, I was too scared to reply so I played Mandy Moore's "I wanna be with you" into the phone to which Vlad replied "What??? I didn't understand a thing she said" oh youth.  We  had our first official date on January 6th (this is a guesstimate, neither one of us remember the exact day, we calculated in accordance of other events that took place that year and came up with January 6th and that is how we celebrate it every year) it was the crazy ice storm that we'll never forget. Everything was frozen like we'd never seen before. Yet Vlad still drove out to see me and we took a walk together through the roads void of any cars and held hands for the first time on the corner of my neighborhood street, which is where he proposed to me 2 years later on our anniversary. We got married in 2006 and my head has not stopped spinning from the way he makes me feel every time I see his face. He has a very humble, conservative nature about him and I'm pretty much the opposite, yet he has allowed me to discover myself, whichever way that may be without changing who we are as a couple. He's not one of those guys that asks me to have my hair a certain color or length, or has me apply my make up like so and dress like that.That's so foreign for me to hear! He always has the exact same answer when I bring up a crazy idea; "Will it make you happy?" he asks. "because if it will, you know I'm all for it baby." He gives me massages, reads books with me and camps out with me in chair and blanket tents on the living room floor. He takes me seriously and listens to me like I'm the most important person on earth. He lets me sleep in while he cleans the kitchen and makes me breakfast. He invests time in me and has patience beyond measure. He's wise in his words and isn't quick to jump without thinking things through. He's my logic when I forget where mine is at. He always reassures me that it'll be ok, and somehow it always is. We still say I love you about 20 times a day, we hold hands at every chance we get. We make out at the movies and have the best time together always. He is my best friend, truly. I miss him when he's just at home and I have to run errands for a couple of hours, needless to say that pain is even more so when he's away for work. I'm at a loss for words sometimes for the way he treats me, I don't know why God chose me to be so happy, but I'm grateful that He did. I'm so thankful that I have this piece of sunshine in my life that gifted me two more little suns with rays that brighten the darkest of days.

Sweetheart, I love you. We're still just sixteen at heart.

"Unless it is mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it is a waste of time. There are too many mediocre things in life, love should not be one of them." -unknown